Sophie Jaffe is the founder of the popular superfood brand, Philosophie, which offers a variety of potent superfood blends, as well as cleanses. She’s also a sought after health and wellness expert, certified raw food chef, yoga teacher, mother of three and co-hosts the IGNTD podcast with
her husband, Adi.

Here’s Sophie’s take on the power of CBD for wellness…

How has CBD helped you manage your mental and physical health?

Sophie: I started using CBD in an honest and real way during the 2020 pandemic insanity. Before that, it was here and there and I didn’t really have a true relationship with it. I loved the idea and benefits it gave, but was almost turned off by all the hype! Now, I use it often for my mental wellbeing and low-grade anxiety and I’m a huge fan.

How does CBD help you find balance with all of the demands of being a mom and an entrepreneur?

Sophie: CBD helps me to balance the overwhelming stress and anxiety I often experience. When I support my wellbeing with CBD, I feel more capable to handle whatever is thrown my way. This year, especially, I realized I am in charge of my own body, being and experiences. I get to decide what energy and perspective I bring to every situation – even during a pandemic! CBD also helps me transition between all the different hats I wear with more ease and grace. From mama mode, to podcast recording with IGNTD, to being an entrepreneur at Philosophie and posting on my influencer account @sophie.jaffe, I hop back and forth. On strong balanced days, this is seamless. But, on challenging days, I take CBD and it helps me so much.

As a superfood expert and the owner of Philosophie, what are ways women can use CBD to maintain a sense of wellbeing, especially during these challenging times?

Sophie: I find CBD can be extremely supportive for women, well, at ALL times. I put a CBD cream on my belly and it’s a game-changer, whether during your period/cramps or for digestion and any anxiety. I’ve also been using CBD oil as a lubricant and it’s wonderful for opening up emotionally and waking up the senses during moments of intimacy. Mostly, I find the biggest support in using it is for life transitions and to balance anxiety, and for sleep. Finally, I combine CBD tinctures with Philosophie superfoods for a beautiful tonic or superfood smoothie.

What are three tips you’d give women who are curious about trying CBD for their wellness, but are confused or apprehensive about trying?

  1. Start with taking a capsule around dinnertime and notice the difference you feel by bedtime. It helps transition you from daytime to evening really beautifully.
  2. You can also add it to your coffee or morning tonic if you’re someone that gets jittery or experiences anxiety but loves a cup of joe. I find it helps balance the effects (and add our Philosophie Cacao Magic for extra plant-based magic!).
  3. Start slow. Figure out your correct dosage and find a brand you trust.

CBD helps me to balance the overwhelming stress and anxiety I often experience. When I support my wellbeing with CBD, I feel more capable to handle whatever is thrown my way. This year, especially, I realized I am in charge of my own body, being and experiences. I get to decide what energy and perspective I bring to every situation – even during a pandemic!
